We have nothing against it, but Riskallay is much more intuitive.
Why should you choose Riskallay?
We save you time so you can act fast.
Time is money: do not waste time with bureaucracy
Don't have a compliance department? We are your perfect tool.
Do you? We are too.
Our users spend 10 times less time managing Third Parties.
Create KYC and Due Diligence campaigns, schedule their delivery and receive alerts on their evolution.
Create a single checklist, share it massively with external parties and follow it up automatically.
Unify in one place the tracking of all your KYC and third party Due Diligence.
Eliminate repetitive tasks and focus on analysis and decisions.
We adapt to your current needs and evolve with you.
Each user can adjust them according to their individual needs.
Whatever your corporate structure, we adapt to you.
Triple access check and documentary time stamping.
Don't waste time with red tape.
It is an automated tool that allows you to know the internal and external risks of your organization. With a third-party management software, you will be able to take all necessary measures throughout the organization to eliminate, avoid or diminish them in order to reduce economic costs and time.
A company may be affected by many risks associated with its processes, even more when third-party risks are involved. If risks are not properly identified and managed, it is very easy to lose control and stop monitoring them accurately. Since it is impossible to manage all of them manually, it is a necessity to have a state-of-the-art tool to manage them, to avoid errors and to streamline the entire process.
These tools help us make a better management of our processes. However, we need to explain what to do and how to do it. A Compliance software for risk management streamlines processes that would be usually ignored. Its implementation will accelerate the processes ensuring everything is being analyzed, managed and reported.
Tools such as Riskallay allow you to safeguard your corporate responsibility, reputational risk and transparency. Before entering into business relationships with suppliers, customers, vendors, distributors, agents and business partners, you must know whether they may pose a risk to your company, which makes it essential to have prior controls to know and identify each of them in depth. For this, it is essential to have a third-party risk management tool: they allow the analysis, monitoring and evaluation of risks based on accurate, complete and interconnected risk data sources to protect us from all the risks to which we are exposed.
Any organisation, be it a small, medium or large company, as well as associations, foundations and political parties, can use a Compliance software to automate processes. Automating processes will bring agility and efficiency to risk management.